Tuesday 28 May 2013

Laid Back Monday..... You wish!

So, yeah monday comes every week! Although, I love my job but getting up early in the morning is so not my thing (and, it will never be!) and it's tougher on monday because you're still surrounded by that laid back vibe. Therefore, I try and dress colorful to work on mondays (yes, I am even allowed to wear neon to work), which keeps me going through the day!

Other way's to get through monday:
#Listen to loud music on the way to work.
#Stretch your yoga sessions (It relieves stress, right?)
#Like me, dress colorfully to work.
#Last and the best, take an off ! (why go to work at all ;) )

Last monday, I wore this:

Yesterday, I wore this:

How do you guys deal with mondays? Please share your secrets!

Much Love,


Share your Thoughts :). Let me know if you have a blog, I'd love to visit.